» » » » Yoga Girl Ruby Bunny Faces Her Fears!

Yoga Girl Ruby Bunny Faces Her Fears!

Yoga Girl Ruby Bunny Faces Her Fears!

Описание: Ruby's friend assured her that she was just being silly. Yes, she'd been robbed and taped up and gagged last year when she stayed at that cheap motel on the outskirts of town, but the chances of anything like that ever happening again were probably close to zero. Besides, how bad had it really been? It's not like she'd even had much money, something like sixty dollars, and he didn't hurt her or anything. All he'd done, her friend emphasized, was tape her up and shove a pair of panties deep into her mouth and and leave her there all night alone, taped up, gagged and helpless with fear till the next morning.

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Seriously, she really was overreacting about it. And now just because it was the first time she'd been in a hotel since it happened didn't mean anything. She was going to be fine. In many ways it was the maid who found her the next morning who'd suffered an even greater scare - imagine how she must have felt! So yeah, after talking to her friend, Ruby realized that she really was blowing the situation WAY out of proportion and being a total buzzkill talking about things that likely would never ever happen again! Besides, the room she was in was very pleasant and relaxing and it had a nice solid lock on the door. No PTSD for her! Ruby was determined to power through her fears and show her friend that she was up to the challenge and had moved on. She really was grateful that she had such good friends who would give her some real tough love when she needed it most. She was so lucky!



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Категория: Bondage / Crossdressing / Trannies in Trouble
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