Красивые женщины, кто бы мог подумать, что они могут быть такими разными! Что может быть лучше, чем сладкий плен! Но сладкий плен, может оказаться, совсем и не сладким, а очень и очень горьким! Прекрасные обольстительницы сначала вас очаруют, затем задушат и трахнут ваш кусок мяса. Или спец агент, вступит в неравную схватку с сильным полом, будь то – грабитель или убийца, но всегда одержит над ним победу, а потом трахнет его, и хладнокровно пристрелит как собаку! Давайте не много пофантазируем и виртуально побудем в роли тех «счастливчиков», которые испытали сладкий плен! За сюжет и раскрытие этой темы (snuff), пять – за постановочные драки, три. В итоге твёрдая 4! ...

Two contract female assassins have taken a job to eliminate a boss. On the way to that boss they had to eliminate guards first by shooting one of them and neck snap the other. They rape the boss before one of them “pussy smother” him till death. Third assassin was also sign to this mission ...

Sheena and Liv star as crazy bitches who love to snuff out men. These bored rich girls hire a second stripper for the night and treat him to a wild night of sex, using it as a distraction so the drug they gave him through his drink would take effect. The drug slowly ...

Sheena and Liv play a pair of wealthy young girls who are bored and decide to participate in a plan they have thought about for years. Knowing no one will believe them, they plot to hire, drug, bind and kill and male stripper. It works; they invite the guy ...

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Natasha plays a girl caught up in the trappings of the cocaine world. A provider and user of cocaine, Natasha loses control at times when she sniffs too much snow powder. Johnny sniffs enough of the powder of render him useless and is surprised by Natasha who suddenly takes one of her nylons and ...

Kayme plays a woman who loves to kill men. The scene opens with Kayme enjoying a relaxing shower then stepping out, toweling herself off and putting on a red bra and panty set. She walks out into the living room where a man is tied up, hands tied to chest. She teases ...

This is part 2 to the "Size Doesn't Matter" series which started with our female killer being attacked by the building custodian before she turned the tables on him and managed to strangle the life out of him. His body was found 25 miles away in a dumpster and a detective has traced ...

A girl is tied up. Two guys (her guards) are playing cards. She pulls out her hair clip and undoes her handcuffs. She sticks her hands through the cuffs so it looks like she is still tied up. She calls to the guards, telling them she needs to use restroom. One guard walks over to her, she ...

"It is too late, they are here! I'll call you later." She grabs her gun from the drawer picks up the briefcase with money, and runs out. The two guys split. Aaron runs to the back of the house, Jack tries to get through the front door. But they are locked. He kicks the door ...