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Star Nine, Professional Car Thief

Star Nine, Professional Car Thief

Описание: It seemed like a good idea at the time. Sandra's car was a lemon and she'd heard about a mysterious blonde car thief from a casual acquaintance at the karaoke bar that she sometimes visited. Sandra had a crazy idea about how she could make it look like she'd been robbed and then end up getting the insurance money for her car. The idea of being found fully dressed in women's clothes and taped up with her car stolen seemed just implausible enough that no one would suspect her - as long as she made it look like a real robbery. So she went to work.

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It took forever to meet the blonde, but finally Sandra's persistence paid off and they started to exchange text messages. Star was cool and not very impressed, but something about her, the fact that she was indifferent as to whether they met or not, made her even more appealing. Somehow Sandra knew she had to arrange to meet the blonde beauty. So one night after a couple drinks she wrote up a detailed text message about what she had in mind. She paused and looked at the phone. "Is this crazy?" she thought.

Then she closed her eyes and told herself that she'd tap the screen five times and if she didn't hit the send button she'd call it quits. She took a deep breath, looked away and reached out for the phone. On the fourth tap she heard the tell-tale sound of her text going out. Her heart nearly flipped over in her chest. At least now it was done. Sandra knew that if Star agreed to meet that she'd have to go through with her crazy plan - and she also knew that whatever happened to her was now up to Star. She was about to put herself in her hands completely, for good or ill. She was so excited when suddenly she heard the ping of a new text message coming in!



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Облако: Tags
Категория: Bondage / Crossdressing / Trannies in Trouble
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