» » » » wmbcv-1319 - The Adventures of O-girl: Trapped in Time

wmbcv-1319 - The Adventures of O-girl: Trapped in Time

The Adventures of O-girl: Trapped in Time - Chapter 7-8

Снимались: Andrea Neal, Nicole Sheridan, Karina and Cleo Nicoe
Серия: Adv / O-girl: Trapped In Time

Описание: The conclusion of the remastered Adventures of O-girl, Trapped in Time, finds O-girl (Andrea Neal) trapped in the glass chamber filling with sand. Hypnotika (Nicole Sheridan) pays O-girl a visit and taunts her and then leaves her to her fate. Trance (Karina) is left alone with the still overpowered Sarah Masterson (Cleo Nicole) and things get hot and heavy as she brings her captive pet to orgasm. She doesn't expect the kiss however. Trance climbs up on the couch and is mesmerized by O-girl's predicament, and is oblivious to the fact that the kiss has brought Sarah around. She doesn't notice as Sarah picks up a vase and smashes it over her head. O-girl is now up to her neck, but Sarah enters and saves her in the nick of time.



2000 / 2020 год

90 шт

Set: wmbc20200705_full

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