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wmbcv-1283 - Andrea Neal

wmbcv-1283 – More than Just Strict Design

Снимались: Andrea Neal
Серия: Strict Design

Описание: I have to thank a member for sending me an email asking for me to go back and post some really old stuff. It sort of got me on the train of putting up the first part of the Strict Design video that Cory and I made way back in 1999. When it came to do the pictures though, I realized that back then, and we are talking waaaaaaay back then now, I didn't take that many pictures of scenes. Just enough to sell the video that we were going to release. It wasn't until later when we opened Shortfuse Video as a paysite, that we started taking full sets of pictures.
читать дальше So I decided I would go back to the origins of Andrea's shoots and revisit pictures that haven't seen the light of day in decades. It was a very interesting experience. First off - damn, I'm a young pup... and second - even though I was using a really, really, really crappy digital camera (so crappy that I switched to 35mm film shortly after and wasn't convinced to come back to digital for almost 4 years),

I do love these pics. Yeah, it is probably the sentimentalist in me - but I do. Yeah, I know my rope work is barely passable, and the lighting is well... non existent, there is still a certain charm to these photos that is enduring. Plus, its fucking Andrea Neal. And yes, you all out there have probably heard how much we all just ADORED her to death - but we did - and you can see why in these pictures. She was just so... real. Fun, quirky, girl next door, awesomeness - and a girl that could turn on the "Damsel in Distress" thing so well, that on more than one occasion, I stopped to shooting to make sure she wasn't really in life-theatening distress. When that happened, she would just look at me and smile and I would say, "damn, you fooled me again..." . I hope you enjoy the journey down memory lane.



1999 / 2019 год

105 шт

Set: wmbc20191201_full

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