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Garbage Hoarder

Garbage Hoarder





Goldie and Cristina beach cops come upon a trashy villain that has been trashing their beeches, The smell in the room is so vile from trash and stinky clothes strewn about, the hold their noses while figuring out what to do when the villain comes up on them and they become tied up back to back on chairs unable to hold their noses from the stench struggling to get free and away from the rancid smells, suddenly the villain comes back and ties dirty cloths in their mouths to keep them quiet too , they struggle even harder to get free and finally able to get loose their dirty gags will have to do to use as masks to cover their faces to clean up this mess and catch the villain!

В этом видеоклипе снялись: Christina Carter, Goldie Blair

2011 г.

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Категория: Bondage / Fetish / Bondage / Christina Bound
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